
Three musicians from the extremes of Europe explore the vastned on an inner journey in search of inspiration.


Three muscians explore the vastness of nature and the depths of their culture to find the essence of their next work. Joana immerses herself in the secrets of the caves of Mallorca, Emil loses himself in the Nordic fjords and Vasco navigates among the ancestral voices of Portugal. Their solitary experiences reveal the beauty and mystery behind the creative process of composing music. The experiences of the three reveal the magic, the mystery and the obsession that is hidden in the creative process as a necessary and inevitable gesture.

Director’s note

Coming Soon…

Título: Dríades
Título internacional: Dryads
Género: Documental
Duración: 70 min
Formato de grabación: 16:9 4K
Productora: Mosaic
Coproducido por: IB3 Televisió de les Illes Balears
Con el apoyo de: Fundació Mallorca Turisme, Europa Creativa Media, Institut d’ Industries Culturals Illes Balears (ICIB)

Con: Joana Gomila, Emil Karlsen y Vasco Ribeiro
 Miguel Eek
Guión: Miguel Eek y Mar Pla
Asesores musicales: Hans J. Stop, Paal Fagerheim
Producción: Miguel Eek y Marta Castells
Montaje: Federico Delpero
Sonido: Nathanael Gustin y Carlos Novoa
Diseño gráfico: Ángel Luque