“Coming Soon Last Days” shows the difficulties of CineCiutat, the last arthouse movie theatre that programs auteur films in original version in Mallorca. After almost a decade since its opening, this pioneering associative project in Spain formed by 1,200 members has become a case study in European film exhibition.
Javi, Miguel, Vero or Miguel Ángel are some of the people who are determined every day not to let this cinematic oasis dry up. But the great economic difficulties, the exhaustion of the team, the lack of spectators, the aging of the cinema and now the arrival of COVID-19 make them face the most complex situation in its history. CineCiutat is debating today whether to survive or close the doors permanently. The documentary will follow these romantics in their battle to keep alive a sacred space for film lovers, but without necessarily agreeing on how to do it.

Director’s note
My career as a filmmaker owes a lot to belonging to a family of cinephiles who went to the movie theatre every week to watch films by distant auteurs. This magical and sacred experience took place in a theatre that occupied an old municipal slaughterhouse and that today is CineCiutat.
The idea of seeing this theatre closed is comparable to the demolition of a shrine for all of us who sublimate the cinematic experience in the theatre.
I understand Coming soon last days as a film about resistance. About those projects and utopian fights that some people stubbornly defend, against the tide, transcending current trends, despite knowing that, naturallythey are struggles condemned to defeat.
Coming soon last days is also a film about egos in human relationships; about life in community in which opposing worlds and visions are forced to walk hand in hand for a project that has united them. Because the cinema, and with it the desire to have stories told, is often the only thing that many of the workers and volunteers of this project have in common.
Original Title: Próximamente últimos días
International title: Coming soon last days
Genre: Documentary
Duration: 75 min
Shooting format: 16:9 AppleProRes422HQ
Screening format: DCP
Original Language: Spanish and catalan
Location: Palma
Production year: 2020
Production: Mosaic
In co-production with: IB3 Televisió de les Illes Balears
Supported by: Institut d’Indústries Culturals de les Illes Balears, Consell de Mallorca, Ajuntament de Palma
Direction and writing: Miguel Eek
Production: Marta Castells, Virginia Galán, Miguel Eek
Editing: Ernesto de Nova
Cinematography: Jordi Carrasco
Sound recording: Carlos Novoa
Sound mixing and editing: Rubén Pérez
Music: Jaume Compte